New Year, New Role for Julia.
2019 is starting full force as I juggle my new life as a mom and a new role at La Jolla Playhouse as Director of Education & Outreach. It isn't every day when you feel like certain events in your life unfold in a predestined way that illustrates what it means to be exactly at the right place at the right time. I have greatly enjoyed the experiences and learning that I have gleaned as Associate Director since I started in spring of 2016. And, as I am the ever life long learner, I feel I have more to learn and experience. This new role will provide just that, as well as, an opportunity to continue driving forward the mission of the Playhouse of being a safe harbor for the unsafe and surprising. I look forward to working with the team of talented artists, administrators, and teachers as we define new ways to educate and engage with the San Diego community on the power of Theatre .